Event5_2.ZIP smallnew.gif (926 bytes)Asynchronous Execution - NOT!
I started with Event5_1.vbp, and changed it to eliminate the Form and Timer control. I included modified versions of SetTimer and KillTimer to see if it would make any difference in the operation of the program. I could not see any difference.

I compiled the ActiveX DLL for the server side, and the EXE file for the client side. When you run the EXE outside of Visual Basic, it acts the same as it does in the VB IDE. Since the ActiveX DLL is an in process server, it runs on the same thread as the calling program. As a result, there is NO asynchronous processing!
VB IDE You can load the project group Event5_2.vbg into Visual Basic and run it. This has both the client project Event5_2_Cli.vbp and the server project Event5_2_Srv.vbp together.

The results should look almost identical to project Event5_1.vbp.

Create server component Load the server project Event5_2_Srv.vbp into Visual Basic.
From the VB menu, choose File / Make Event5_2_Srv.Dll
Compile client project From the VB menu, choose File / Open project to load the client project Event5_2_Cli.vbp into Visual Basic. You don't need to save any changes for the prior server project.

Don't worry if you see an error message "Could not create reference ... Event5_2_Srv.vbp." This is because the client project in the ZIP file has a reference to the GUID for the Event5_2_Srv.Dll file from my PC.

From the VB menu, choose Project / References. Scroll down to select the Event5_2_Srv.Dll that you just created. Now you should be able to create the compiled client project. From the VB menu, choose File / Make Event5_2_Cli.Exe.

Run compiled client program Exit from Visual Basic. You don't need to save any changes for the prior client project.

Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the directory where you saved the compiled Event5_2_Srv.Dll and Event5_2_Cli.Exe projects. You should be able to double click on the EXE file to run the client program. The results should look almost identical to project Event5_1.vbp.

Next try In the Event5_3 project, I finally got the asyncronous execution.