Rick's coffee videos on youtube
bulletMaking espresso with my Gaggia Classic
bulletSingle cup pour overs with the Hario kettle and the Takahiro kettle
bulletCleaning the Technivorm coffee maker
bulletThe final minutes of roasting Sweet Maria's Liquid Amber Blend on the Behmor
bulletSeveral roasts on the Hottop using the artisan software

James Hoffman youtube video - eliminating static gives better espresso

James Hoffman youtube video - weaker shots make better drinks

Cleaning out the rear of the Hottop

Video discussing the Excel file with all my Hottop roast information

First of several videos - Roasting decaf with artisan on Hottop B-2K+

Supporting files - Roasting decaf with artisan on Hottop B-2K+

Artisan 2.8.4 software configuration under Linux Mint 21.2 for Hottop TC4

Artisan 2.8.4 software configuration under Linux Mint 21.2 for Hottop B-2K+

Artisan 2.4.6 software configuration under Linux Mint 20 for Hottop TC4

Artisan 2.4.6 software configuration under Linux Mint 20 for Hottop B-2K+

Artisan 1.3.1 software configuration under Linux Mint for Hottop 2K+

Resources for roasted coffee beans

Resources for green coffee beans

Coffee grinder comparison 09-24-2015

PVL pressure problem 09-22-2016















I roasted coffee beans with the Behmor for three years. I no longer believe it is useful to search for the "perfect profile".

There is too much variation in how the Behmor roasts from one location to another in my own house, much less allowing for differences in altitude, or state by state. It appears that the Behmor roasts differently based on the amount of voltage available. It tends to roast slower in the summer in Atlanta, due to the power consumed by all the air conditioners in the neighborhood. As each year goes by, the Behmor seems to roast a bit slower - probably due to aging of the quartz heating elements. 

I started roasting my own coffee beans in 2010 using a Behmor 1600. I got frustrated searching through the 20+ pages of discussion on Coffeegeek.com and GreenCoffeebuyingclub.com about which profiles people have successfully used for certain green coffee beans.

I captured the individual pages to Acrobat PDF files and put them all together into a single file (for each web site). This makes finding the Behmor profile for a particular coffee MUCH easier.

Behmor profiles thread from Coffeegeek.com
web pages 1-22, 1 MB PDF file, 120 pages, updated 06/13/2010

Behmor profiles thread from GreenCoffeebuyingclub.com
web pages 1-22, 2 MB PDF file, 175 pages, updated 11/19/2010